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9015 Cartridges

78 bytes added, 23:23, 4 January 2014
2 revisions
The 9015 system is one of the many underrated 3rd generation Pong related consoles made in Hong Kong. It was supposably manufactured by [[Conic]] and surfaced around 1978. The system was mainly sold in Europe and Australia. It never reached the big U.S. video game market. The "9015" was also known as model 4A-8 and offered a small catalog of 7-8 cartridges.
[[File:Color_Cassetten_Spiel_TV_10_Color.jpg|thumb|150px|unknown brand TV-10]]The nice looking, futuristic designed console with solid, well playable paddles was sold by Conic throughout Europe. In Italy it was sold by CGME/Nicole and in Germany by [[Unimex]], [[Mustang]], [[Poppy]] & [[Sanwa]] and an unknown brand called TV-10. A few consoles also reached Australia and were distributed there by [[Sheen]].<br />Three different case "colors" were available: consoles with white case and black top, consoles with silver case and black top and consoles with black case and silver top
#9015-A: Ballspielen (Pong)

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