Dreamcast Teardown

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Revision as of 02:48, 3 March 2014 by ITEM-3 (talk | contribs) (Detach the power board)
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This is a guide for disassembling a Sega Dreamcast. Click on any of the images for a larger version.

You will need the following tools:

  • A Phillips-head screwdriver
  • A small pair of pliers (helpful but not required)
Dreamcast teardown 01.jpg

Open the case

The Dreamcast's shell is held together by 4 screws, one on each corner. One is hidden by the modem, so remove that if you haven't done so already. Flip the console over, and lift the top off.

Detach the power board and switch

Unplug the power switch from the power board and remove the two screws shown in the picture. The power board connects to the motherboard through a 6-pin port on the end closest to the controller ports. Grip the board at this corner and gently pull it up and off the pins, which are physically part of the motherboard. The pins are firmly attached and require you to use some force to free the board.
The power board is insulated from the RF shield by a piece of plastic it rests on. The plastic piece comes out easily, but don't forget to put it back when you put everything back together, or you could really fuck up your Dreamcast. Then unscrew the power switch and put it aside.

Step 3